October 2015
Sound testing Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury, part of a phase of a new large housing estate for S J Roberts, multiple floor and wall structures chosen by Building Control for testing.
October 2015
Sound testing Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury, part of a phase of a new large housing estate for S J Roberts, multiple floor and wall structures chosen by Building Control for testing.
August 2015
Sound testing 49 high street, conversion from publican house into apartments.
September 2015
Sound testing Birmingham, Lodge Street, new plot of 10 semi detached houses.
September 2015
Sound testing Milstead Road Birmingham, testing of new semi detached house developed on waste land.
Sound testing West Bromwhich Birmingham, testing of converted rear ground and 1st floor previous commercial building.
August 2015
Sound testing Edge Hill University Ormskirk Liverpool, multi million pound residential block development
July 2015
Advising on build design to meet Approved Document E of a converted publican house into apartments at Woodside Telford.
July 2015
Sound testing accommodation block of flats, 2- 12 Honiley way COVENTRY Cv2 1HP
Impact and airborne testing of random walls and floors as per Building Regulations Approved Document E 2010.
July 2015
Sound testing for Elements Europe modular systems, testing of modular container before delivered to
site, two modules are placed side by side to create as real as possible site conditions for pre-sound
March 2016
Sound testing advice St Nicholas Church Castle Street Shrewsbury Shropshire, advice concerning party floors and walls, this building is listed and so a test a declare is issued, this means as its listed it does not have to pass Building Regulations Approved Document E, instead we have to improve the acoustics as much as we can.